Week Twelve :12
What did I do this past week?
I spent most of my time grading OS design docs this past week. And the day after I finished grading design docs, I flew to Seattle for an onsite interview. During my stay in Seattle, I got to visit my Airbnb host and the church I went to this summer :) I didn’t really do any OOP related things besides going to class. I tried to think about designs for Life on the plane, and of course fell asleep instead. My partner and I won’t be able to start working until Monday, it’s a bit risky, but hopefully everything works out. This week in class, we went over Life and talked about how to properly use polymorphism in c++. I’ve always known the concept of polymorphism but never thought how to effectively use it, so I am looking forward to designing Life.
What’s in my way?
Not much! I am so glad to see my calendar being less busy this week :) I am finally done with interviews! Yay! Time to breathe and enjoy life a little more. Oh wait, I still need to finish the OOP project :P
What will I do next week?
Because I missed class on Friday, I will look over the notes and ask my friends for clarification so I can catch up! My partner and I will also start and finish Life! It’s going to be fun :)
Tip of The Week
Don’t sleep at 5am in the morning. Sleep because life needs to sleep.