Week Nine :9

What did I do this past week?

I spent many many hours in the lab this past week. Slept very little, worked a lot. But that seems pretty normal for many CS students, so I am not going to rant too much about it. I also went to hackTX this weekend! My team had been coming up with ideas, but we didn’t decide on an idea until 3 hours into the hackathon. We checked out some hardware devices at first, hoping to do some hardware hacking, but eventually decided on implementing the idea sharing/exchanging system the JPL speaker mentioned in class. Implementation and design took much longer thant we anticipated. I slept for 2 hours but still didn’t finish my work :( I plan to finish it up later, but probably won’t get to it until finals week. But overall it was a fun experience! Just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who have helped to put this together :) As far as class goes, I still really enjoy the lectures. I like how we went over how to reuse copy constructor’s code for the copy assignment method and vice versa.

What’s in my way?

Sleep deprivation… Design doc grading, interviews and all my other work. There is just a lot of work every week :( The OOP exam grade will probably be out this week, hopefully it won’t crush me :o

What will I do next week?

Start working on Darwin! Do my readings, go to office hour and sleep more if possible!

Tip of The Week

My team used AngularJS and Firebase this past weekend, so my tip of the week is AngularFire :P AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that supports two way data binding, and Firebase is a backend service that provides data storage, authentication, and static website hosting. AngularFire is basically AngularJS that supports data binding with Firebase, so it provides three way data binding :P We didn’t use it for our project, but it definitely seems quite useful!

Written on October 23, 2016